St. Petersburg DrawBridges 2011 Russian

Through to the intricate web of canals, Saint Petersburg is often called the Venice of the North which is a popular poetic name for the northern capital.
Every night during the navigation period from April to November, 22 bridges 13 now across Neva and main canals are drawn to let ships pass in and out of the Baltic Sea into the VolgaBaltic waterway system.
The elegance of some bridges, having become an integral part of the city, can be compared only to the beauty of the architectural ensembles.
A calculated schedule with precise time of consecutive opening and closing for each bridge is maintained to guarantee passage of cargo ships and tankers with a precisely controlled speed, in order to have at least one bridge at a time staying connected to ensure passage for ground transportation.
Optimum time for viewing of drawbridges the white nights. They come in the end of May when evening twilight practically merges with the morning and in the middle of July comes to end. The drawn of bridges at white nights a stately show when their half direct upwards together with lights and a handrail, opening road for pass of the ships. This magical should not be missed any visitor of the Saint Petersburg.
This program also available in English contains a schedule of the drawbridges during the navigation period with a small historical description.
Touch devices support not available e.g. Storm.

App Name:St. Petersburg DrawBridges 2011 Russian

App Version:2.0.0

App Size:1195 KB