99.5FM KGU

99.5FM KGU is Honolulus Christian teaching and talk leader.

99.5FM KGU has made it even easier to listen live. But, more than that, you can check out information about your favorite talk show hosts, and discover new talk show personalities.

The KGUFM interactive radio player, powered by AirKast, gives you the freedom to listen and interact with our programming anytime and anywhere.

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99.5FM KGU broadcasts Christian teaching and talk programs as part of the Salem Communications family of stations. We feature many of the best known local pastors, and nationally syndicated ministries such as Focus on the Family with Jim Daly, A New Beginning with Greg Laurie and In Touch with Charles Stanley. Be encouraged and inspired. Tune in regularly to Hawaiis Christian Talk, 99.5FM KGU!

99.5FM KGU for blackberry

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