Buscador de Empresas eInforma

With eInforma´s mobile application you can search, filter, contact, and get directions to any company in Spain by size, activity or sales.
eInforma´s Near Here is a location-based sales prospecting tool that helps you find, research and contact nearby leads.

eInforma undisputed leader in the sale of business information for companies, helping its clients take commercial decisions, collect receivables, find new clients and manage their portfolios, brings you this free mobile application directly connected to the commercial database used by more than 95% of Spanish financial institutions.

Free access to commercial and financial information from over 5 Million Spanish businesses

– What activity do companies of this area develop?
– Who are the shareholders?
– Which is its share capital?
– Is this prospect solvent?
– How much is this new client invoicing?
– Have this lead filed for bankruptcy?
– What the credit report looks like?

eInforma´s mobile application is available only in Spanish

App Name:Buscador de Empresas eInforma

App Version:1.5.0

App Size:874 KB