Currency Converter Free — Get the 200+ currency values

* Now, get the real time currency rates using this application.
* The quickest and easiest way to convert from one currency to other currency.
* This app supports more than 200 country currencies.
* You can search the currency just by enter country name or currency symbol.
* Just enter the value, from currency, to currency. This application will connect to the network & it would be displaying the conversion value in real time.
* Details of the country & the currency also shown.
* This application also saves the previous selected currency, so that from next time you no need to search the currency also.

* Supports 200+ currencies.
* Now, get the real time currency rates through this application.
* Details of the country & the currency also shown.

App Name:Currency Converter Free — Get the 200+ currency values

App Version:1.0.0

App Size:1304 KB