Amazing Facts

Amazing Facts contains over 1.500 different amazing facts! The fact displays when you start the application and you can browse to the next or previous facts by using buttons. The next time you start the application you will see the fact you last time viewed so you dont have to start all over again with the browsing!

**When you buy the application you get a registration code from App World which you can use to register the application with. In case you lost or forgot the code you can get it at Register the application by starting it, press the BlackBerry menu button and click the register menu item.**

Amazing, amazed, amaze, facts, fun, particulars, details, specifics, essentials, statistics, data, figures, truth, evidence, proof, reality, actuality, humorous, hilarious, amusing, comical, comic, droll, witty, facetious, waggish, sidesplitting, uproarious, odd, strange, weird, curious, peculiar, perplexing, unusual, quaint, unconventional, eccentric, quirky, odd, peculiar, off-the-wall, offbeat

App Name:Amazing Facts

App Version:1.0.0

App Size:336 KB

Cost:US$1.99 USD