Quote of the Day

A wise and witty quote book with more than 2500 quotes on subjects ranging from children to patience, money to marriage, aging to youth. Brilliant quotes from an incredible range of mostly famous people including George Burns, Lord Byron, Winston Churchill, Confucius, Gandhi, and Sophia Loren. If you want to be the life of the party, if youre making a speech, writing a paper, looking for a telling phrase, or simply reading for pleasure, pull up the application menu of this incomparable treasure trove for a superb, up-to-date collection of popular quotations. A one-stop encyclopedia of the writings and teachings of the worlds greatest minds, served in bite-size portions.

–2500 quotes, labelled by topic area
–Simple menu-driven Next button to thumb through pages
–Topics ranging from the practical to the sublime
–Authors ranging from the comedic to the philosophic
–Find a quote for every occasion

App Name:Quote of the Day

App Version:1.0.0

App Size:734 KB

Cost:US$2.99 USD