Summer Vacation Countdown 2011

Eager for vacation and looking forward to all kinds of summer activities ?

Wondering how many more days until summer summer holidays ?

Summer Vacation Countdown 2011 displays in real time how much time is left until your vacation start. wishes you wonderful vacation !

* Choose if you want to monitor the total number of days/hours/minutes left, or if you want to see overview !
* Open the app to see how seconds fly by in real time – in real time !
* Enable Title Bar indicator to display number of days left on your Home Screen and in most of the system applications including the browser !
* Move the application icon to your home screen and roll over the icon to see the current time left !
* Very low CPU / battery consumption
* One click "Turn On" / "Turn Off"
* Straight-forward to install and use
* Support for OS 5.0 and OS 6.0

App Name:Summer Vacation Countdown 2011

App Version:1.54.49

App Size:56 KB

Cost:US$1.99 USD