EEF Trend

EEF Trend is a financial data analysis tool, it allows the user to find the stock symbol of a company, obtain the current stock quote, retrieve the historical daily trading data of the company from the Internet Yahoo Finance and graphically display the trend and with varying time scales from the fast moving short term trend to the slow moving long term general trend.

EEF Trend is also a general data trend analysis tool for times series numeric data, for example, business and financial data, health and medical data, natural science data, etc.

The method decomposes the original data into a series of intrinsic modes, each mode describes the data trend and fluctuation on varying scales from fast moving short term trend to long term slow moving general trend.

EEF Trend can also analyze user provided data directly from a host PC or a HTTP file server. In addition of displaying the graph results on the device, the results can be uploaded to the users PC or the file server.

The screenshots showcase the two kinds of applications, the stock trend for the last five years; and the temperature °C trend of a site during a month.

EEF Trend for blackberry app Screenshot

App Name:EEF Trend

App Version:1.3.0

App Size:973 KB

Cost:US$5.99 USD