Pharmacy Tech Certification

Prepare for the Pharmacy Technicial Certification exam offered by Pharmacy Technician Certfication Board PTCB or the ExCPT Pharmacy Exam by National Health Association NHA.
Study and prepare for the title of Certfied Pharmacy Technician CPT.
With nine modules ranging from prescription abbreviations to health insurance learn the key information for the certification exam.
Includes more than 1100 multiple choice quiz questions, flashcards.
Also, includes glossary with common terms and definitions for nine learning modules.
Learning Modules:
Module 1: Prescription Abbreviations
Module 2: Generic and Brand Drugs
Module 3: Health Insurance
Module 4: Serving the Customer
Module 5: Maintaining Medications
Module 6: Inventory Control
Module 7: Law and Ethics
Module 8: Conversions and Math
Module 9: Medical Slang
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Keywords: Pharmacy Tech, Pharmacist, Pharmacy job, Pharmacy Certification

App Name:Pharmacy Tech Certification

App Version:2.0.0

App Size:1227 KB

Cost:US$1.99 USD