Paris Velib Bike Hire

For less than the price of a pint, find out where the stations are for Pariss Velib/Cycle Hire scheme. Find the nearest ones, how many bikes/spaces are available, how many spaces are free, see where you are, see local and national cycle routes, etc

If you regularly travel, favourite your normal stations and you can see at a glance which ones have bikes/spaces.

Shows all docking stations
Nearest space or bike search
Live bikes / docks available at each station
Add favourite stations and see many stations live availability at once
Shows your location
Shows national and local cycle routes
Search the map for attractions, addresses, etc

Requries OS 5 or higher. Go to Options then About, your OS version is on line 3

Location features e.g. nearest you, my loc, etcrequire your phone to have a GPS and for you to be stood outside if you have no GPS these features wont work

App Name:Paris Velib Bike Hire

App Version:1.0.5

App Size:148 KB

Cost:US$2.99 USD