US Yellowpages Search Mobile business search helps you find local businesses and more while youre on the go. Discover businesses around you, even when you may not know whats nearby.

You can use the GPS location feature to help you explore businesses near you, find their address, phone number, business hours, and even use maps and get directions.

To find what you need you can search by product or service name, or, if you know a business name already, you can search by that name to get detail on their address and map their location.

When you find a business that meets your needs, you can Save it to your contacts for reference later. We make it easy to do. Just click the Save button on the business listing and well bring all of the information into your Contacts, no typing needed!

Local business search
GPS location feature finds where you are to deliver businesses closest to you
Locate businesses on maps and get driving directions
View business websites and videos
Save business detail to your Contacts

US Yellowpages Search for blackberry app Screenshot

App Name:US Yellowpages Search

App Version:2.0.0

App Size:1215 KB