
Get your news, weather, entertainment, business and sports about Lancaster County, the state, nation and world all in one place when you want it wherever you are. And its all absolutely FREE.

LancasterOnline is the leading news source for Lancaster County, Pa., carrying more news stories about this community than any other TV, radio or Web news organization.

With the LancasterOnline ap, youre always on top of the news. You get complete news coverage at your fingertips on your mobile device.
The highlights:
Full coverage of Lancaster County news.
The latest and most important news of Pennsylvania, the nation and world.
Easytoread weather forecasts, with radar maps, for wherever you are, home or away. The LancasterOnline ap uses your mobile device stateoftheart geocodes to know where you are and provide the right forecast.
Tips to the best local entertainment movies, concerts, theater, art.
The most complete sports news in Lancaster County high school, Barnstormers, Penn State, Philly and Pittsburgh teams.
The most complete local business news.
Local video of news events, sports and entertainment
Easy sharing by email, text message, Facebook sharing or Twitter.

And you can upload a picture, video or news tip, and you may see it in the news.

Designed and developed in partnership with DoApp, Inc., best in class in mobile phone development, and Inergize Digital, the leading provider of media content management solutions.

App Name:Lancasteronline

App Version:2.1.0

App Size:489 KB