
Please note: Facebook login is required.Trove is a personalized news and information engine. Its goal: to aggregate the Webs most interesting stories from a wide swath of sources, then give users the power to customize what they see and how they see it.

Pulling articles from more than 10,000 sources, Troves combination of innovative aggregation and human editing gives users the best of both worlds: the days important stories and news tuned to their niche interests.

From Afghanistan to Lady Gaga, from Google to the NFL, Troves more than 3,000 channels offer the latest on a range of topics. And Trove is customizable if a user doesnt find an interest listed, they can create a channel of their own with just a few clicks of a mouse. Trove is on the Web at, and available on an array of mobile devices including BlackBerry.

App Name:Trove

App Version:1.1.0

App Size:309 KB