Clipart Ultimate

Use Clipart Ultimate to add over 2.000 different clipart items to your pictures! We have over 35 categories in our database, all which you can access using Clipart UItimate. Add for example a new hair style to somebodies photo.

Open file dialog with image preview
Menu item in file viewer for images
Over 35 clipart categories
Over 2.000 clipart images
Change the contrast of the clipart
Change the brightness of the clipart
Change the transparency of the clipart
Apply filters to the clipart grayscale, sepia, negative and/or retro
Mirror the clipart
Resize the clipart
Rotate the clipart
Save the image to the memory or sdcard using a save file dialog
Send image by email as an attachment
Upload to twitter with TwitPic
Upload to Imgur, and copies the url to the clipboard
Upload to GlowFoto, and copies the url to the clipboard
Upload to Tumblr
Upload to Imageshack, and copies the url to the clipboard
Post to your own server with the POST method
You can toggle the buttons on the main screen by using a menu item
In case you want to start over, you can reload the image

When you buy the application you should get a registration code from App World which you can use to register the application with. In case you did not get it, lost it or forgot the code you can get it at Register the application by starting it, press the BlackBerry menu button and click the register menu item.

If we accidentally have your clipart included without your permission, contact us and we will remove it

Clipart Ultimate for blackberry Screenshot

App Name:Clipart Ultimate

App Version:2.6.0

App Size:492 KB

Cost:US$3.99 USD