Lobby Me Pink

Lobby Me Pink allows the user to send emails directly to their lawmakers on Capitol Hill. The user enters their zip code which then pulls up the names, addresses and phone numbers of their two senators and one representative in Congress. The user then has the option of sending a direct email to any one of their lawmakers. Lobby Me Pink also has its own Facebook, Twitter, Word Press, Amplify and Linked In sites so that those who have not downloaded the app can nevertheless participate in activity related to the app via these social networking sites. Additionally, the user may also access their own social networking sites if they wish. The goal of Lobby Me Pink is to energize the public to greater participation in the political process, restore accountability to the lawmakers on Capitol Hill, and hopefully turn every phone in the country into a virtual voting booth, 24/7/365.

Lobby Me Pink for blackberry app Screenshot

App Name:Lobby Me Pink

App Version:1.1.0

App Size:4908 KB