The Hockey News

Count on The Hockey News to bring you all the pulsepounding hockey action this playoffs!

Get LIVE NHL hockey scores, playoffs results, player stats, schedules PLUS all the hardhitting opinions from the top sportswriters and behindthebench closeups of your favorite teams.

Thanks to the THN app, you wont miss a thing! Get live game updates every few minutes, see last nights results, keep an eye on the Art Ross hunt and stay in tune with the playoff races.

The Hockey News Mobile has over 250,000 users since launching in Fall 2008.

Apps Key Features:

Scoreboard the first thing you see when you open the app, easily swipe through all the NHL games happening at this moment

Boxscore click into any game to view the goals and scoring summary

Articles view all the latest updates from sections such as Blogs, Columns, Features, Player News, Player Movements, and Player Injuries

Scores/Schedule view all the results from last night and all the upcoming games in the NHL

Team Standings find out who is going to make the playoffs!

Player Stats view the latest stats from the leagues top skaters and goalies

App Name:The Hockey News

App Version:

App Size:992 KB