Countdown Icon

Count down the days and hours leading up to an event with CountDown Icon. Track a wedding, vacation, Christmas or any target date in the icon and application title on your homescreen.

Display the count of days, and last few hours to an event in the homescreen icon icon limited to three digits
Insert an event from your personal calendar, and edit as needed.
Specify Color and Font of the numbers in the icon.
Override the automatic font size selection.
Pop up notification each of days left, once a day.
Track time left with a notification area icon e.g. like unread messages, if greater than 99, will show 99+: this is controlled by the OS, nothing I can do about it.
Automatically clear event after it has passed or…
Continue day count past event time.
Auto start on device reboot.

If the homescreen numerical icon appears cut off, and you are using OS6, please try the size/location bug fix under font size on the Options menu.

Heres what CrackBerry had to say:

Ive tried many ways of keeping track of what events are coming up but sometimes things just get lost in the shuffle… CountDown Icon is an inexpensive, simple app that lets you place a countdown icon on your device. Set the event name and start time and fire it up. CountDown Icon shows the remaining days as an icon and can even pop up remiders as you see fit. Use it for big trips, birthdays, holidays, family functions and much more.

App Name:Countdown Icon

App Version:1.1.14

App Size:51 KB

Cost:US$0.99 USD