Privus Caller ID

See who is calling whether they are in your contact list or Not.

Take or return only the calls you want.

Privus Mobile Caller ID shows you the NAME of virtually every caller during the ring or after the call including those NOT in your contact list. If you have missed the call, the Caller Name is displayed waiting for you to see it and choose to return the call or save it to contacts or both. You always have an option to save the information to your contact list. In addition, you can enter any phone number in our Lookup screen and find the Callers name.

Privus Mobile Caller ID includes a 10DAY FREE TRIAL of the fullfeatured Privus Pack! Privus Pack includes Caller ID, Text ID, Caller Lookup and Voice Cue. With Privus Pack, you will automatically know who is calling OR texting you. It is the singlebest way for you to know which calls and texts you should answer and which ones you should not!

Some devices/networks will not deliver caller name simultaneously. Caller Name will be spoken during ringing when Voice Cue is activated in WiFi and 3G environments

App Name:Privus Caller ID

App Version:

App Size:248 KB

Cost:US$11.99 USD