, We search, people find!

The Guia Mais has hipper local characteristics that find companies, products and divided services from referent points like: street, neighborhood, city or country, using the best technology of intelligence looking for information. The brand belongs to Publicar, focused on business contract generation in different platforms printed, internet and mobile through updated and focused content. The company also holds the brands: Publicar Editel and Publicar Listel, is the national leader of the guides and printed lists segment, with more than 60% percent of participation in the market. At the present days, it covers 26 countries beyond the Federal District, and maintains more than 175 advertisers in more than 120 lists and guides, summarizing, more than 13 million of free distributed samples a year.

Search by activity, name of the company, word;

Search by city;

Search and filter by neighborhood;

Additional information: pictures, email, description of the products;

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