Ederra Smart Banner theme

Ederra is not just a theme to add function to your BlackBerry, but also a theme to admire. It is extremely wallpaper friendly and will show your collection of with style. We went with the newly designed and gorgeous BlackBerry icons, a huge improvement on the stencil design! They really complement our custom designed graphics throughout the theme. All of our graphics were optimized for your BlackBerry and testing was done on real phones, not simulators to ensure the smoothest and bug free experience.

Set your BlackBerry apart with Ederra by AG Designs & Graphics.

For non-touch devices there is a hidden dock lying below the screen that is easily revealed by scrolling down. The user will notice that the icons pop-up on-demand when scrolling down there are two rows and a total of 12 icons. The icons will then disappear when scrolling back up and the wallpaper will become fully visible. The theme is also equipped with our Smart Banner. This banner has shortcuts built-in to each piece of information displayed, the time will take you to the Clock app, date to Calendar, notifications to Messages and the signal meter will take you to Manage Connections. Along with the shortcuts the banner also incorporates a weather slot that also stays there on the lock screen.

For the BlackBerry Storm and BlackBerry Torch there is also a hidden dock that is controlled by tapping the bottom of the screen on the horizontal line, after tapping, one row of icons will pop-up. Press again on the top of the dock and another row will come up, once more for the final row. Tap the top of the dock a final time to hide all icons. There are 4 icons in each row for a total of 12 on-demand user assignable icons. BlackBerry Torch users have the full use of the TrackPad, the top of the dock will highlight in blue click here for control of the dock. As with the non-touch devices we have also included our Smart Banner in this theme. The banner has shortcuts built-in to each piece of information displayed, the time will take you to the Clock app, date to Calendar, notifications to Messages and the signal meter will take you to Manage Connections. Along with the shortcuts the banner also incorporates a weather slot that also stays there on the lock screen.




App Name:Ederra

App Version:

App Size:1184 KB

Cost:US$4.99 USD