
INFINIAPP is a communications utility which allows you to connect and collaborate with a select range of suppliers.

The key features of the utility are:

Source a supplier or a service.
Our inbuilt search facility allows you to find a company by company name or service the company provides.
Raise a support ticket
You can raise help requests using our interactive form, to assist you with resolving an issue with a supplier.
Request a quote from a supplier
You can generate a request for price or delivery times for a service.
Upload files and documents to share with supplier
The system allows you to upload documents and files you wish to share with the supplier concerned
Get notification of status of project or orders.
Our real time notification system keeps you informed at all stages of the order or project concerned.
Get approval forms at each stage of project
Predefined checkpoints in a project can be linked to approval forms which the customer can electronically approve.
Download electronic invoices, statements and packing lists
By logging into the account a menu of documents are presented including all the documents related to a particular transaction.

App Name:InfiniApp

App Version:1.0.0

App Size:822 KB