Death Calculator

Do you want to know at what time and date you are going to die? Well, you know it with Death Calculator! The application will ask you a list with questions and will use statistics to calculate at what year, day, month, hour and minute you will die. It even uses research outcomes which predicts that young people will live var past hundred, described by mathematical formula we have implemented.

It also contains a list with death statistics, the most common ways how people die and what the change is you will die that way. But stay positive, we have include a list with prevention methods and a list with tricks how you can observe how fast you are aging.

Extra information
– The statistics are from 2010

**When you buy the application you should get a registration code from App World which you can use to register the application with. In case you did not get it, lost it or forgot the code you can get it at Register the application by starting it, press the BlackBerry menu button and click the register menu item.**

Death, calculator, die, dying, decease, perish, go, exit, pass away, expire, pass, kick the bucket, cash in ones chips, buy the farm, conk, give-up the ghost, drop dead, pop off, choke, croak, snuff it, suffer, endure, disappear, vanish, go away

App Name:Death Calculator

App Version:1.4.0

App Size:138 KB

Cost:US$1.99 USD