Oxford Handbook of General Practice – Third Edition

The Oxford Handbook of General Practice has been a lifeline for busy GPs since the first edition published in 2002. Covering the whole of general practice, with hands-on advice from experienced practitioners, this essential handbook provides rapid access to information to help with any day-to-day problems which might arise in general practice.

Written by GPs, for GPs.
Includes practical, hands-on advice to enable GPs to pick up tips usually only learned from experience
Covers the whole spectrum of general practice, to assist the GP with any daily problems
Authoritative and cross-checked by specialist reviewers
With weblinks to the relevant guidelines/online resources

The third edition takes into account the significant changes in primary care since publication of the second edition in 2005. Written in line with the new GP curriculum, the authors have provided new material on the GP contract, foundation level doctors in GP, and training for GP.

Revised to include the latest guidelines and management practices, this authoritative handbook is critical reading for all those working in GP.

Readership: General Practitioners, GPs in training, medical students and allied health professionals.

Authors: Chantal Simon, Hazel Everitt and Francoise van Dorp

DISCLAIMER: This application is for medical professionals. For medical decisions please consult your physician. In case of a medical emergency, call your local emergency number.

MedHand Mobile Libraries offers a SUBSCRIPTION FREE application without edition upgrade. MedHand is the exclusive partner of Oxford University Press, publishing the latest editions of their Medical Handbooks series.
MedHand applications improve your performance with relevant, valid material that is accessed quickly at the point of care!

Offering the most trusted and well recognized medical guidelines provided by excellent publishers such as McGraw-Hill, PDR Network LLC, Wiley-Blackwell and more.

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