Miller Lite TaxiFinder

The Miller Lite TaxiFinder by 1800TAXICAB uses your GPS coordinates to locate your position on a map, then shows you the nearest taxi company on the 1800TAXICAB taxi hotline. You can also change locations by choosing a city and state. Click on the local taxi company flag to see the taxi company name and phone number. Click to call and order a taxi. Or, simply click a Click to Call button and you will instantly be connected to the 1800TAXICAB taxi hotline.

The 1800TAXICAB taxi hotline, sponsored by Miller Lite, has connected millions of people to taxis in communities all across the nation. Patrons can call One Number Nationwide to reach a local taxi service. Taxi companies that are in the network include many of the most prestigious in the ground transportation industry.

App Name:Miller Lite TaxiFinder

App Version:1.0.0

App Size:3145 KB