Catholic Dictionary

The Catholic Dictionary, as its name implies, proposes to give its readers full and authoritative information on the entire cycle of Catholic interests, action and doctrine. What the Church teaches and has taught.

This Application was created to give a better understanding of the Catholic Religion. We have created this Catholic Dictionary application with ease of use in mind. We have designed it so that you can easily find what you are looking for without the confusion, limitations, and frustration like so many other applications out there.

This is a great application to help with the interpretation of the Catholic Religion. Weather you are priest, an avid follower that attends church at least once a week, or a casual member, you will find this application very handy. It is a wonderful application to share with your family, establish beliefs and bring you closer together.

Thousands of Catholic terms, acronyms, and definitions.
Descriptions of all terms
Search through our database in alphabetical order.
Search using any keyword
Direct email access to us through the application
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Check out our tutorial page directly through the application

BlackBerry OS v5.0 or newer
SD card
1.5MB of unused and available memory on SD card
Media Card Support must be enabled

App Name:Catholic Dictionary

App Version:1.1.0

App Size:2405 KB

Cost:US$1.99 USD