
CERTIFLASH helps you choose environmentally friendly and high performance air conditioning products for your home or your office.

CERTIFLASH is an intelligent agent that collects, in real time, performances on heating, air conditioning and refrigeration appliances air conditioner, heat pump, chillers. With the aim of providing information of greater value and increase the end-user confidence, CERTIFLASH works only with products tested by third-party certification bodies in independent laboratories and only displays up-to-date, trustworthy technical data such as energy efficiency category A to G scale, energy star program based on the appliances measured values.

With more than 200 brands and over 50 000 references, Certiflash will provide guidance through your selection process, enabling you to take a better informed decision, reduce your carbon footprint and save on your energy bill.

The functionalities of the application will allow you to search a certified product within a given product family, brand or range and access information regarding:

* the model
* the energy efficiency category from A to G
* the cooling output at full load in kW
* the energy efficiency ratio
* the appliance type cooling-only, cooling/heating
* the cooling mode air- or water-cooled
* the noise rating in dB where applicable

CERTIFLASH is simple: Enter a key word in the search bar. If certified data exist, CERTIFLASH will find it and display the results following the tree like order below:

– 1: Company

– 2: Brand

– 3: Product type

– 4: Product range

– 5: Product reference

CERTIFLASH works on BOLD9700OS V5 & V6. This application will also work on the More BlackBerry device.

CERTIFLASH is a Registered Trade Mark of ECC- 62, Boulevard Sebastopol – 75003 – PARIS – FRANCE.

App Name:Certiflash

App Version:3.0.0

App Size:158 KB