THE SLAYERS 10JACKPOT The Great Life or Death Gamble Part1 ebook

"Lina and others challenge the Dark Lord, Shabranigoodoo. Hes so powerful and no magic works on him. Gourry is knocked down unconscious. Zelgadis is struck hard. Then, Lina finds out that ""the Sword Of Light"" increases the power of her sorcery. In reliance on it, Lina challenges Shabranigoodoo with the truly most powerful incantation, ""Giga Slay"" which is superior to ""Dragon Slay."" She realizes that Rezo is still inside Shabranigoodoo. In the final moment, Rezo gets away from the body of Shabranigoodoo.
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App Name:THE SLAYERS 10JACKPOT The Great Life or Death Gamble Part1 ebook

App Version:1.0.0

App Size:4081 KB

Cost:US$0.99 USD