Bubbly Butterflies

Bubbly Butterflies blazing across your screen. A sight youll love everyday.
Bubbly Butterflies is a high quality theme.
Compatible with all models.
Theme display may vary depending on your actual device and operating system.
To activate your theme: Download, click on options, then theme, select the actual theme. Restart
your phone if necessary. Please note: Does not support 97xx OS 6.0.0. If you experience any problems please contact us: [email protected] www.CelanderUS.com

Please note the OS requirements for each device:
98xx 6.0.0
9700 5.0.0
96xx 5.0.0
95xx 5.0.0
91xx 5.0.0
90xx 5.0.0
89xx 5.0.0
88xx 4.5.0
87xx 4.5.0
85xx 5.0.0
8350 5.0.0
8330 5.0.0
83xx 4.5.0
82xx 4.6.0
81xx 4.5.0

App Name:Bubbly Butterflies

App Version:3.0.0

App Size:2147 KB

Cost:US$1.99 USD