I Am Indonesia : Penyu

Pulau Banyak, Aceh Singkil, Indonesia of beauty so inspired in making this theme. What to do with sea turtles, Pulau Bengkaru is part of Pulau Banyak is where the rescue of a threat to sea turtle eggs and meat consumption.


* 3 static button : maps, slide, bb logo
* Click maps for show maps
* 5 slide wallpaper + 1 slide set as wallpaper
* 6 user application order
* 5 user application order for 91xx, 9670
* Hidden dock
* OS7 Icons

*** Other theme http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/vendor/11351
Visit us blog http://mngtheme.com

App Name:I Am Indonesia : Penyu

App Version:1.2.0

App Size:1451 KB