mundu radio

Mundu Radio creates a personalized mobile radio experience, enabling users to listen to their choice of music genres and songs whenever and wherever they like.

30Day Free Trial. Try Now

Quick access to leading radio stations across popular genres.
Ability to maintain personalized playlists.
Access to rich selection of high quality licensed music content.
Ability to save recent selections and create favorites.
Lyrics: Sing along with lyrics of the song you love while listening.
Seamlessly switch between radio and music stored on the phone.
Change phones without losing your favorites and recent selections.
Ability to search for desired music.
Share what you are listening to with your Twitter followers.
Integration with popular and Shoutcast services.
Support for high quality audio formatsMp3, AAC.

mundu radio for blackberry

App Name:mundu radio

App Version:3.3.8

App Size:844 KB

Cost:US$0.99 USD