Save Alternative

Save Alternative has made it even easier to listen live. But, more than that, you can check out lyrics as the songs play, see artist and album information, discover fresh new music, tag and buy favorite songs, and more.

The Save Alternative interactive radio player, powered by TuneKast, gives you the freedom to listen and interact with Save Alternative programming anytime and anywhere.

You can also watch videos, listen to samples of recently played and most popular songs, explore and listen your favorite shows. Did you discover a new song that you like? Weve also given you the ability to tag and buy them on the spot.

Listen live
Check out lyrics as the songs play
See artist and album information
Watch videos
Review recently played and most popular songs
Discover fresh new music
Tag and buy favorite songs

About Save Alternative
New Music Discovery…and the best Alternative Indie Rock music 24/7. SALT is a lifestyle, not just a radio station. Find the best, uptodate Concert Listings, Alternative Music News, Free Music, Blogs, Indie Gear, Album Reviews, and more! SaveAlternative is the first radio network to be run by musicians! SALT is: The Cure, Radiohead, Muse, Kings of Leon, Nine Inch Nails, Death Cab for Cutie, Depeche Mode, Phoenix, Silversun Pickups, The Smiths, The Gaslight Anthem, more.

Save Alternative for blackberry

App Name:Save Alternative

App Version:2.4.2

App Size:881 KB