
Enter a chemical formula or a chemical name, and press view to show its composition, and information about the chemical.

* Get information about a chemical element
* Compare several elements
* Do computations using properties of chemical elements
* Get information about a chemical compound
* Compare properties of multiple compounds
* Analyze properties of a class of compounds
* Get information about an ion
* Compare several ions
* Get information about a class of ions
* Compute properties of a quantity of a chemical
* Compute properties of a chemical solution
* Compute properties of a quantity of a solution
* Balance a chemical equation
* Find properties of a substance in a given phase
* Compute properties at a specified temperature
* Get information about a functional group
* Get information about a protecting group
* Find behavior under specified conditions
* Find isomers with a given formula
* Get a formula for a chemical
* See the three-dimensional structure of a molecule
* Compute topological properties of a molecule
* Find the indicators for a particular pH
* Compute hybridization in a compound
* Compare hybridization in two compounds

App Name:Chemistry

App Version:2.0.0

App Size:494 KB

Cost:US$0.99 USD