Pre-Algebra Guide

Well paying careers demand skills like problem solving, reasoning, decision making, and applying solid strategies etc. and Algebra provides you with a wonderful grounding in those skills – not to mention that it can prepare you for a wide range of opportunities.

This guide has well over 325 rules, definitions and examples, including number line, integers, rational numbers, scientific notation, median, like terms, equations, Pythagorean theorem and much more!

Since 2001, the Pre Algebra Guide has been a best selling hard-copy guide with thousands of hard-copies sold and now this proven content it can be a handy quick REFERENCE app on your phone!

Table of Contents

1. Number Line
2. Inequality Symbols
3. Comparing and Ordering
4. Graphs of Real, Integer & Whole Numbers
5. Adding Positive & Negatives
6. Subtracting Numbers & Opposites
7. Multiplying & Dividing Positive & Negatives
8. Properties of Real Numbers
9. Exponents & Properties

10. Order of Operations
11. Divisibility Tests
12. Greatest Common Factor G.C.F.
13. Least Common Multiple L.C.M.
14. Rational Numbers, Proper, Improper Fractions
15. Reducing Proper & Improper Fractions
16. Adding Fractions
17. Subtracting Fractions
18. Multiplying Fractions
19. Dividing Fractions
20. Adding & Subtracting Decimals
21. Multiplying Decimals
22. Dividing Decimals
23. Fractions to Decimals
24. Decimals to Fractions
25. Rounding Decimals

26. Scientific Notation
27. Percent
28. Percent Problems

29. Averages & Means
30. Medians
31. Mode & Range
32. Variables, Coefficients & Terms, Degrees
33. Like / Unlike Terms

34. Polynomials / Degrees
35. Distributive Property
36. Add/Subtract Polynomials
37. Expression Evaluation

38. Open Sentence / Solutions
39. One-Step Equations
40. Solving ax+b = c Equations
41. Solving ax+b = cx+d Equations
42. Solving a Proportion

43. From Words to Symbols
44. Square Roots / Radical Sign
45. Pythagorean Theorem

Algebra is a very unique discipline. It is very abstract. The abstractness of algebra causes the brain to think in totally new patterns. That thinking process causes the brain to work, much like a muscle. The more that muscle works out, the better it performs on OTHER tasks. In simple terms, algebra builds a better brain! Believe it or not algebra is much easier to learn than many of us think and this guide helps make it easier!

Offline Access! Our guide runs local on your phone, so you will always have a fast reference guide whenever and wherever you need it.

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