
What is GoodFoodNearYou?
GoodFoodNearYou helps you find the best food options at twenty restaurants near you.

In one simple search, you get free and instant access to the menus and nutrition information for popular casual dining restaurants, fast food restaurants, grocery stores, and convenience stores near your location.

GoodFoodNearYou delivers the lowest calorie item at the places near you. Click on a search result to see the full nutrition information for that menu item, a map to the location, the menu of that restaurant, and the nutrition information for every menu item. You can sort your search results by closest distance, lowest calories, lowest carbs or lowest fat.

Features of GoodFoodNearYou:
Search for restaurant menu and food options near any U.S. location
Autodetect your location to use GPS to search for food near you
Manually enter your zip code to search for food near you
Search over 36,000 restaurant menu items
Search over 250,000 U.S. restaurant locations
Sort restaurant menus and food by lowest fat, lowest calories or lowest carbohydrates
Select a menu item to bring up detailed nutritional information including sodium, fiber, protein, sugars and cholesterol
Map the restaurant to locate good food near you

Make smart, fast, and healthy dining decisions, wherever you are at work, at home or in your car, traveling on business or vacation. Search near your current location, enter another location or find good food near a popular landmark, university or airport With the help of GoodFoodNearYou understanding your options at restaurants nearby is easy, convenient and free! Visit GoodFoodNearYou on the web at:

App Name:GoodFoodNearYou

App Version:1.2.0

App Size:260 KB