China Daily

China Daily is the largest English newspaper in China,boasting an average daily circulation of more than 300,000 in about 150 countries and regions. In the United States,the United Nations, the White House and the US Congress are among our subscribers.

A bridge connecting China and the world, China Daily BlackBerry application let you access the latest information and photos of China wherever you go. Specifically designed to utilize the features and navigation of the BlackBerry, this application syncs and downloads the latest news of China and the rest of the world directly to the device.

1. Article reading experience with more space
2. Simple navigation view pictures and articles quickly
3. Articlesharing email the articles or photos you want to share to your
4. Customize your display by selecting your favorite news categories

If you have any questions to the application, please let us know at
[email protected]

Whats New in this Version
Fixed some bugs and mistakes.
Improved the program speed.
Improved the UI experience.
Primary Category
Secondary Category optional

App Name:China Daily

App Version:2.0.0

App Size:1642 KB