
With MemberScout you can share your travel experiences with other Miles More members, exchange tips and benefit from the expertise of other members.

Or maybe you can recommend some unusual places and the best locations? Then you can help other Miles More members around the world.

MemberScout has a lot more to offer, too:

Arrange to meet someone spontaneously
The application can show you whos nearby and you can meet up with them to make better use of your spare time.

Share a taxi
Save some of your travel budget. The application can show you who else nearby is interested in sharing a taxi.

Location based offers
No matter where you are, you can access Miles More partner offers for your current location.

Status lounges
As a Miles More member, you receive the app that corresponds to the look and feel of your frequent flyer status.

App Name:MemberScout

App Version:2.5.1

App Size:1570 KB