Pytheas Explorer

Pytheas Explorer is a file explorer for your tablet.

Updates are provided regularly to bring you many features.
Next version in your language? Contact me by mail to receive the language file to translate.

Version 2.1.0:

Fixed small bugs in the translation
Added new icons to the status of the battery charge mode
Changing the interface for ease in using
Adding a window informing you, in graphical mode and text mode, the space used by files

Version 2.0.0:

Completely rewritten for the new features of the OS
Copy and Move function added
The list of folders and files has three types of views and supports page mode
Improved interface icons, buttons
Added French language
Battery Monitoring
Option to preserve the extension when renaming a file

Version 1.0.0:

Display of free space.
Creating new folders.
Help currently only in English.
Remove file and folder.
Zone of information with large icon, displaying the type and size of the file. Also the time and date of its creation.
A series of buttons for quick access to commonly used directories.

App Name:Pytheas Explorer

App Version:2.1.1

App Size:1219 KB

Cost:US$0.99 USD