Rockin Color Picker

A color picker tool for the BlackBerry PlayBook.

Useful for designers, programmers or for finding a name of a color.

Find color codes and a close color name from a photo on or taken by your device or from a basic color grid.

Save your picked color to the camera roll on your device to view from your gallery in the future. Add a note if required.

Codes shown are HEX, RGB and HSL as well as a close color name and its hex.

Enter a HEX or RGB and see what color it represents.

All screens show a named close color based on a color list / dictionary.

Please note all devices, code, screens, paint, cameras and printers etc. process colors slightly differently. Bear that in mind when using this app.

App Name:Rockin Color Picker

App Version:1.0.0

App Size:545 KB

Cost:US$0.99 USD