The Mystic Will A Method of Developing and Strengthening the Faculties of the Mind through the Awakened Will by a Simple Scientific Process Possible to Any Person of Ordinary Intelligence ebook

It is a truth that there is very often an extremely easy, simple and prosaic way to attain many an end, which has always been supposed to require stupendous efforts. In an Italian fairy tale a prince besieges a castle with an army – trumpets blowing, banners waving, and all the pomp and circumstances of war – to obtain a beautiful heroine who is meanwhile carried away by a rival who knew of a subterranean passage. Hitherto, as I have already said, men have sought for self-control only by means of heroic exertion, or by besieging the castle from without; the simple system of Forethought and Self-Suggestion enables one, as it were, to steal or slip away with ease by night and in darkness that fairest of princesses, La Volonte, or the Will.The method which I have described in this book will enable any person gifted with perseverance to make an equable or calm state of mind habitual, moderately at first, more so by practice. And when this is attained the experimenter can progress rapidly in the path. It is precisely the same as in learning a minor art, the pupil who can design a pattern which corresponds to Foresight or plan, only requires, as in wood-carving or repousse, to be trained by very easy process to become familiar with the use and feel of the tools, after which all that remains to be done is to keep on at what the pupil can do without the least difficulty. Well begun and well run in the end will be well done.But glorious and marvelous is the power of him who has habituated himself by easy exercise of Will to brush away the minor, meaningless and petty cares of life, such as, however, prey on most of us; for unto him great griefs are no harder to endure than the getting a coat splashed is to an ordinary man.
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App Name:The Mystic Will A Method of Developing and Strengthening the Faculties of the Mind through the Awakened Will by a Simple Scientific Process Possible to Any Person of Ordinary Intelligence ebook

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