Whats Next After Now: Post-Spirituality and the Creative Life part2 ebook

"Spiritual seekers by the thousands have come to the end of the masters and gurus, the religions and philosophies, and the process of getting better. They have discovered the timeless present and the power of marketing the now. But whats next after now? When you give up spiritualitynot out of a reaction or because youve completed some mythic journeyand you drop into the present, what is the post-spiritual reality and how do you live it creatively?
Steven Harrison, whose seminal work Doing Nothing: Coming to the End of the Spiritual Search helped guide spiritual seekers to the experience of the present without practices, now takes them one step further into the transforming experience of a post-spiritual life.
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App Name:Whats Next After Now: Post-Spirituality and the Creative Life part2 ebook

App Version:1.0.0

App Size:1691 KB

Cost:US$7.99 USD