Minnesota Power

Get a map view of power outages in the Minnesota Power service territory, view number of customers without power and the number of customer affected by city/neighborhood. This app also provides you a link to customer service contact and emergency reporting numbers. The more reports we receive, the more accurately we can determine the extent of the outage and its cause.

Outage Map How it Works

The outage maps use colorcoded symbols that indicate the number and general location of customers without service.

The Legend button provides an overview of the colorcoded outage symbols.

The Summary button provides number of customers out by city with estimated restoration time if known in an easy to read table format. Data can be sorted numerically or alphabetically by clicking on a column title.

Selecting the colorcoded symbol on the map will provide specific outage information, including:

The number of customers affected
The time of the earliest outage report
The estimated restoration time When Known

App Name:Minnesota Power

App Version:1.0.0

App Size:827 KB